I'll never forget the first time I read my Uncle's article about the Country's BBQ Waitresses here in Columbus, Georgia. Although I've long been a fan of politically incorrect stand-up comedy, I'd never heard anger and humor mixed together so well before. And you can only imagine what I was thinking when I found out that there was a Part Two. To this day, I consider the Country's piece one of my Uncle's best works, and it never fails to give me that headache you get when you've been laughing too much.
To this day, I carry around a severe depression that feels like it will never get any better. The thing with me, though, is that I don't just feel sadness the more depressed I am - I feel anger. I don't just sit around and mope about what or who brought me down; I want to bring THEM down. Call it what you will, but when you've had the childhood that I had - when you've been physically, emotionally, and verbally abused the way I have growing up - you can't help but think to yourself, "Why has this gone one for so many years, and nobody has stepped up to care?" That question remains in the back of my mind, unanswered, and it may never be. And until someone does step up to care, you're stuck with the man they call "Dirty".
At first, I wanted to vent my anger physically. The problem with that is when you take your anger out physically on the THINGS that hurt you, well, you kind of look crazy. Straight-jacket crazy. And when you physically relieve yourself on the PEOPLE that hurt you, there are too many legal ramifications. You know, jail time, fines, a stain on your record that a bleach cannon couldn't get out, etc. Thus, I needed some other way to express the hurt that I was feeling. I wanted to expose the ignorance of those around me. I wanted to create a bullet from guilt and put it right between their eyeballs, and watch them fall slowly backwards into emotional death, so that in the end, only I would be left standing. Then, the offer presented itself.
My Uncle saw a couple of small things that I had written on my personal Facebook page, and asked if I wanted to be a guest writer for his website. When my first piece debuted on the BobSmash, I wasted no time in expressing myself the only way I'd ever known how - through the verbal equivalency of brute fucking force. From that point on, my Uncle's audience knew that I was just as foul-tongued as he was, and my popularity was increasing, however so slightly, and for the first time in a while, I felt like the people actually cared.
A few months into my new hobby of ripping people's hearts out on paper, my Uncle decided to take a hiatus from writing, and in the process of doing so, took away the only platform I had to vent my aggression to the world. At first, I didn't want to break apart from his site, because I thought it would seem like I was trying to compete with him, which I certainly wasn't (until WrestleMania season anyways). But after thinking about it and growing ever more tired of waiting for Unc post the articles I'd already written, I decided that it was time to branch out on my own. I didn't have the money for my own website or domain name or any of that stuff, but what I had was the need for my own platform. That platform turned out to be Blogger.
On July 28, 2011, Chuck.0 (then known as charlesvanpeazy 2.0) was born. I liked Unc's green and black color scheme, but I didn't want to seem like his shadow. I decided to make the site red and black in honor of my beloved Georgia Bulldogs and Atlanta Falcons. Being a lifelong fan of professional wrestling, I also considered the old ECW as a reason for painting the blog red. ECW represented non-conformity to this "mold" that other wrestling promotions of the day seemed to fall into. They were out to revolutionize the sport, and that was exactly what I intended to do with my blog. I refuse to conform to the mold that society has put forth for all of human-kind. Not one person who came before Jesus and not one person who came after him is a perfect, sin-free individual. I can be a smartass quite often. I sometimes cuss like a sailor, whether intentional or not. I might not make as much money as you, or share your beliefs on something, but that makes me no less of a person than you are. I take shit all the time because of where I place myself despite how young I am. Age is just the number of years you've existed; it in no way makes you any better than those who are younger than you. I believe it wrong to say that a young person is incapable of the maturity commonly associated with someone a bit older, and vise versa. I don't claim to be better than anybody else. A bit more mature, maybe, but everyone on Earth deserves equal treatment, regardless of age, gender, or situation. I am a devout Christian, yet while I do not believe in some things, such as homosexuality, that doesn't make them any less of people than heterosexual people. Just because someone does something doesn't make them less of a person. It's not my place to judge people, that title belongs to God. As far as burying their mental sanity six feet under when they piss me off, on the other hand, well, THAT'S where I come in.
If you enjoy reading what I write about, it means the world to me. On the same token, if you don't like it, I don't give two shits. I don't have any more time left in my life to worry about what my critics think of me. My name is Chuck Junior. I'm just a redneck from Fort Mitchell, Alabama, trying to make something of himself in today's world. I do not claim to be perfect in any way shape or form, and all I can say is that I'm simply doing the best that I can. So please, don't waste your time to criticize me, because I promise you it will only go in one ear and straight out the other. On the flip side, if you have and constructive ideas on how I might IMPROVE the site, I absolutely welcome you to speak your mind on Chuck.0's Facebook page, for which there is a button at the top of the blog. I appreciate all of my followers' collective support, and my fans mean the world to me (look at me, I actually have fans; as if I were famous or some bullshit). Lol.
I've always said that your life is a war waged against the ignorance and stupidity of the world. If you want to make the best of life, make sure you're always winning.
-Charles V.P., aka Chuck "Dirty" Junior.